rozšířené vyhledávání
Město Jaroměř

Honorary citizens of Jaroměř

Honorary citizens of Jaroměř

PhDr. František Černý, DrSc.PhDr. František Černý, DrSc.

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 16 May 1991

drama historian

PhDr. Miroslav Ivanov

PhDr. Miroslav Ivanov
(1929 - 1999)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 4 May 1994


Arnošt Heidrich

Arnošt Heidrich
(1889 - 1968)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 10 September 1998

Czech diplomat and secretary of the Council of Free Czechoslovakia

Jan Šrámek

Jan Šrámek
(1922 - 2008)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 17 December 2003

former prisoner of conscience, who was instrumental in the foundation of the TGM Memorial by contributing funds

Ing. Václav Němec

Ing. Václav Němec
(1929 - 2013)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 18 December 2008

for his significant contribution to the development of Jaroměř, especially for the preservation and development of the town’s forests
forest councillor, director of Městské lesy s. r. o., forest management expert, secondary school forestry teacher

Mons. Antonín SýkoraMons. Antonín Sýkora
(1912 - 1993)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 20 July 1992

church dignitary

Zdeněk NěmečekZdeněk Němeček
(1894 - 1957)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 17 September 1994

Czech diplomat and writer

Blahoslav Hrubý

Blahoslav Hrubý
(1911 - 1990)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 22 October 1998

priest and organiser of helping activities for the victims of Nazism and Communism, holder of TGM medal in memoriam

Brigadier General Otto Špaček

Brigadier General Otto Špaček
(1918 - 2007)

Honorary citizenship awarded on: 13 July 2005

WWII veteran, who was active in the RAF in England


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